70% of the environmental impact of projects is decided in the design phase; working as designers gives the power to decide to make design more sustainable and set projects on the path to excellence.

We present a simple and intuitive digital tool for public use, which allows the application of an eco-design methodology and the evaluation and assessment of graphic design projects from the point of view of eco-efficiency and sustainability.

Esquema de tot el procés d'un producte


The improvement of environmental performance throughout the life cycle of graphic projects and the improvement of the capacity to evaluate their eco-efficiency and sustainability through an intuitive methodology that facilitates continuous reflection and rethinking of the processes and production of design projects.

New design habits incorporating more sustainable criteria into consumption and lifestyle.

What is it and how does it work?


  • Easy to answer questionnaire format.
  • It allows the development of critical capacity within the design process.
  • Pedagogical support guideline that allows consultation of eco-design strategies applicable to different relevant aspects in each phase of the life cycle.
  • Knowledge of the properties of materials and production processes and their relationship with the environment and the user.
  • Final assessment of the project from the point of view of eco-efficiency and sustainability.
  • Possibility to print and summarise the assessment of each project.
  • Adaptive format easy to use with different digital platforms.
  • Maximum availability. Usable at any time, from any place and on any device.
  • Possibility of archiving and re-consulting your projects and making modifications..

Collaborative process

This tool has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of project and eco-efficiency teachers from ESDAp (School of Design and Plastic Arts of Catalonia) and former students of interactive graphics from the pau Gargallo school in Badalona (XYZ Team).

Latest projects

Medalla Dissenyat amb criteris d'ecodisseny




Gorra de la escuela 

Medalla Dissenyat amb criteris d'ecodisseny



easd ramon falcon

proyecto- Parga 

Medalla Dissenyat amb criteris d'ecodisseny




Tienda de Moda Sustentable

Medalla Dissenyat amb criteris d'ecodisseny

Packaging Sèrie "Empíreo"



Packaging d'edició especial de la sèrie "Empíreo" amb els llibres Ales de Sang i Ales de Ferro. A part de ser un estoig pels llibres, és convertir en un "Book Nook", un objecte decoratiu on pots crear a dins una escena dels llibres.

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